I was born in February of 1961 at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, MO. Home was a rock house located at Johnson Drive
and Alden Street, Shawnee, Kansas. The small building still stands today, 55 years later.
1967-1973 - My two brothers and I grew up working on farms. We drove tractors, raised crops and labored in the cattle and
hog business. My Grandfather and Dad owned Earnshaw Grain Company in Shawnee, Kansas. My grandpa built the lake now in the
center of Lakeview Estates. His farm surrounded the lake. Growing up, we split our summers and weekends either farming or
working at the mill. At a very young age, we were taught how to work and the importance of being in business for yourself.
There was no other way.
1973-1977 - My Dad, James Pike Earnshaw, closed the feed mill in 1973 and started a new line of
work - moving houses and buildings. Shawnee House Moving taught my Dad,myself and brothers Jim and Rich the trade and art of
moving houses and buildings. Eventually, only Dad and I worked the business.
1978-1981 - While still working with Dad, I started my own business called Best Tree and Landscape.
I worked hard through high school and two years of college, making ends meet and paying for college
expenses. In 1979 and 1980, I studied business and journalism at Kansas State University. The
following years, I studied at Kansas University. These were lean years; college was difficult to
afford. In 1982, I left school and went back to work with Dad. We worked hard together but disagreed often.
1983-1984 - I left Kansas City and moved to Dallas, Texas to sew my own wild oats. My business was Custom Landscape Specialists. I enjoyed this line of work and had much success. All of my jobs were successful and it was good for me to get away from home. In 1984, Dad needed my help and I was homesick. I moved back home.
1984-1989 - I worked with Dad, moving houses and renovating homes. All types of construction work was
done and I kept learning. In 1989, Dad passed away. He had a heart attack while while moving a 2 story house. I drove him to Saint Luke's Hospital. He was scared and we spent the frantic ride to the hospital reciting the Lord's Prayer. He was gone 20 minutes after our arrival. He was 56 years old.
1989-2001 - After Dad passed away, I had little choice but to continue moving houses. Several jobs and contracts were in place and they had to be completed and honored. I stuck with the business for 10 years and 90% of my projects were successful. Some were not. House moving is a tough and dangerous business. There is good reason very few people do it today. The highlight of my career was moving 79 houses down the Missouri River on sand barges. They were loaded in Leavenworth and floated down to Fairfax to be used for inner city houses.
2002-2003 - In February of 2002, I was diagnosed with Cancer. Suffice it to say, these were scary and miserable times. I went through chemotherapy at KU Medical Center and had 2 major surgeries.
Throughout my house moving career, I was exposed to an abundance of asbestos and lead based paint. This probably
contributed to my illness. Prayer and medicine saved my life. Survival changed it.
2003-2005 - After Cancer, I started a business called Decks by John. These were grateful years and primarily stress free. Most of my jobs were done in Lenexa and I had developed a good reputation from all those I served. Building decks is something I do well.
In 2004, I met a partner and we shared family and business life together until 2013. During that
9 year period we worked together raising houses and replacing foundations. Other major foundation work
was done, as well. Our business was A.M. Construction. Together, we also raised and bred horses out on
the farm. I later incorporated. Frontier Farm and Home LLC worked at horses, hay and green construction.
The Artisan Group LLC worked at house moving, raising and foundation replacement. She focused on computer
and business marketing work. I stayed in the field laboring and supervising the projects. We were a team.
2007-2011 - These years were spent raising houses and replacing foundations. Most jobs went well but
some did not. In 2009, the economy went into a recession and work dried up. I held on for 2 more years;
it was a struggle. My final big job was moving a century old farm house, historical red barn and a
smokeshed for Old Shawnee Town. These buildings were moved to establish a circa 1929 homestead within Old Shawnee Town.
In 2011, I closed the house lifting business.
2011-2012 We formed a company called Rockridge Construction and focused on custom deck construction,
fences, and landscaping work. She and I worked to grow this business while working on remodeling
our home in Olathe. In March of 2013, my personal and business relationship with her ended.
I moved back to my hometown of Shawnee and started over. I have been working very hard since and have
over 25 recent references.
2013 - Present. - Millview Construction Company is a business that draws upon my life experienced. I find this work to be enjoyable, stress free and rewarding. My Mother's dad, Clarence Morgan, my grandfather, was deaf and a very skilled carpenter. I think of him often while I work. This business is a bright contrast from house-moving and I am grateful to be doing it. I work hard and have lots of references. Give me a call and I will work hard for you - whether it is landscape design, home renovation or custom deck construction, I promise to serve you well.
Sincerely yours,
John A. Earnshaw